every 1:30 min for 7 rounds
4 deadlifts (dead stop ; 2 sec pause over knee)
5 rounds // 2 min work : 1 min rest
10 box jump overs
10 db hang clean and jerks
me handstand push ups
note: try to stay consistent with the reps
core work
4 rounds
20 sec dead bugs
20 sec forearm plank
every 1:30 min for 7 rounds
4 deadlifts (dead stop ; 2 sec pause over knee)
5 rounds // 2 min work : 1 min rest
10 box jump overs
10 db hang clean and jerks
me handstand push ups
note: try to stay consistent with the reps
core work
4 rounds
20 sec dead bugs
20 sec forearm plank