Daily Workout
CrossFit SG in Hannover
Sonntag 22.12.2024
wod75 reps for time ofabmat sit ups straight into… 10-20-30 reps for time ofdb thrusters 10/15burpee...
WeiterlesenSamstag 21.12.2024
wodfor timeaccumulate 6:00 of a pull up bar dead hang holdnote: each time you drop from the bar, com...
WeiterlesenFreitag 20.12.2024
wod10 min amrap4 squat cleans 56/84 12 pull ups straight into… 10:00 to establish1 heavy squat clean...
WeiterlesenDonnerstag 19.12.2024
wodfor reps3:00 max cal row3:00 max distance handstand walk3:00 max cal bike3:00 rest3:00 max cal bi...
WeiterlesenMittwoch 18.12.2024
wodfor time400 m run 30 lateral burpees over the bar 20 clean and jerks 36/52post workoutaccumulate2...
WeiterlesenDienstag 17.12.2024
wodfor time500 m row 30 toes to bars 30 overhead squats 36/52 500 m rowpre workout3 sets6 overhead s...