for time with a partner
90 snatches 43/61
pre workout
on a 10:00 clock
build to a heavy 3 rep power snatch
note: perform touch and go reps
rest 1:00-2:00 between lifts
for load
overhead squat
post workout
for completion
200 m double kb front rack carry
for time
50 box jumps 51/61
50 jumping pull ups
50 kb swings 12/16
50 walking lunge steps
50 knees to elbows
50 push presses 15/20
50 ghd hip extensions
50 wall ball shots 6/9
50 burpees
50 double unders
5 rounds for time
200 m run
10 strict handstand push-ups
post workout
3 sets
3-10 ghd hip and back extensions
note: rest as needed