9-7-5 reps for time of
deadlifts 56/84
hang power cleans
front squats
post workout
50 good mornings
note: rest as needed
athlete chooses load
3 rounds for time with a partner
400 m run
30 walking lunges
30 pull ups
start at 15:00 and go to completion
3 rounds for time with a partner
400 m run
20 wall ball shots 6/9
20 toes to bars
note: run together; split the remaining work evenly
15 min amrap
3 wall walks
12 db snatches 15/22.5
15 box jump overs 51/61
note: step down from the box
3 rounds for time
50 double unders
40 sit ups
30 push ups
20 single leg squats
post workout
5 sets for load
5 strict weighted pull ups
note: pause with your chin over the bar for :01